Monday, May 20, 2013


Blogging is fun. It's hard, but fun.

I often cannot find things to blog about, and find inspiration at the same time my friend Sarah is blogging. Currently she is blogging about nerds and fandoms and all this stuff I completely understand, being a nerd in many fandoms (lewl im cool :b) but I figured I wouldn't copy her.

I find blogging fun because I can type out exactly what I'm thinking and publish it to nobody who cares, because I have no followers and who ever wants to read anybody else's rantings anyway? I find blogging fun because I can create posts and save them for later.

Also I love tumblr. :b

And smiley faces. :U

Or just faces in general. :I

I find blogging hard because there are lots of things to talk about but I don't know which one to choose for what time. When I blog, my inspiration usually comes in one giant burst to blog about one topic, and then later I want to blog another topic but I figure one post is enough for a day.

Or a month.

Or three months.

Damn I don't blog enough. :I