Sunday, September 7, 2014


The time has finally come.

I begin college tomorrow, September 8th of 2014, at Cogswell Polytechnical College in Sunnyvale, California. College.

/At least I have some friends/

I'm pursuing my dream of becoming an animator, specifically through a 3D Modeling and Computer Animation major. I've never been so excited to go to school.

See, Elemenatary school was great... I was nervous the first days, didn't know anybody there, but I'm a somewhat outgoing person so I introduced myself.
And then moving into Middle school, I didn't know anybody because I was moving to a school close to my house and where everything was new. It was especially different since it was a public school, and I went to a private elementary school. And the first couple of months I suffered from lack of friends, and I became more of a nervous person.
But by the end of middle school I had a load of friends who were all moving to the same High school as me. So I was excited for school because of my friends, but the school itself wasn't exciting. My first year felt just the same as middle school: work that wasn't interesting, homework that felt boring, stuff like that. Sure, I had a lot of friends and slowly gained a social life, but it was all math and english and history and tests and homework (although I will admit that I do appreciate history, in fact history is my favorite subject of all the general education).
College, however, is something I'm actually genuinely excited for. It isn't general education, at least not 100%, but focuses more on the things I'm interested in. My interests feature mainly arts, like painting and photography and sketching and animation. So going into a college that features and upholds those same interests makes me so excited for the coming years, even when I look at the classes I have to take (general education-wise--but only 14 general education classes doesn't really seem all that much when I look at all the classes I have to take under my major).

Granted, I did take two years of photography in high school. However, that was the only art I took besides band. To graduate high school, the student has to take 4 years of english, at least 2 years of math (but often people go to at least 3, because UCs require at least 3), 2 years of science (but again, UCs require at least 3), 2 years of PE, and then extra electives (like world history, US history, US government/economics). If the student only takes six classes a year, that student only gets ONE elective until senior year, and most people with choose language (i.e. Spanish, French, Mandarin, etc) because some UCs require years of a language. That's what I did--first two years I took Spanish 2 and 3 (because I took Spanish 1 in middle school), and that took up my elective. If I'd looked ahead and noticed that graduating HIGH SCHOOL only required 3 classes of ARTS (in general), I could have skipped the Spanish classes and taken Art 1 and 2 instead, and then Junior year done Art 3 so by senior year I could be in AP Art. That being said, I really did enjoy my Spanish classes because of the teacher--Ms Fig, who also taught life-lessons in her classes. However, I feel like I missed out because I never got to take an art class in high school...

So going into college, especially Cogswell, is the most exciting prospect. During my senior year of high school, I kept thinking to myself, 'when will this year be over so I can start college?' 'I'm so done with high school, I just want college to start.' 'I really want college to come faster because high school is so boring.'

And one of my favorite friends is going to Cogswell with me. I couldn't be more excited right now. :)

College... Boyfriend... Car... Job... AW YISS.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Relevent and Irrelevent Tidbits of Knowledge

Throughout my life, I've watched and read hundreds of movies and books and listened to even more songs. And I must say, I've learned many, many things from them. Some of them are more relevant than others, some more like life lessons and others like little inside jokes of knowledge, and some just little facts that may or may not be important.
  • Heroes can come from unexpected places and unexpected people.
  • Iron and salt ward off ghosts and demons.
  • Anyone can cook.
  • Just because you're not important to the world doesn't mean you're not important to anybody. (the Doctor has never met anyone who wasn't important)
  • Magic with good intentions does not make good magic.
  • Life has a funny way of going in a ring. Or...
  • What comes around goes around.
  • Don't eat yellow snow.
  • If you find a fork in the road, take it. You might need it later.
  • Green is not a creative color.
  • Expect anyone anywhere is going to do something unexpected or stupid, that way you're always prepared.
  • If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried.
  • If life hands you lemons, image 
  • Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
  • Cats.
  • No dogs in the Impala, and don't take joints from a guy named Don.
  • The only way to kill a vampire is by beheading it.
  • You only live once, but that doesn't mean you should do anything extreme. You will most likely get hurt.
  • Demon traps are generally ineffective if you monologue too much.
  • Swearing makes you sound stupid/uneducated.
  • There are always at least five ghost butts touching you at any given time. Like right now.
  • It's dangerous to go alone, you should take this with you:
  • Do try not to install a reactor magnet into your chest. In fact, try not to be near an exploding missile, especially your own.
And finally...
  • Never go against a Cicilian when death is on the line.
    Ahahaha! Hahaha! Haha--