Friday, December 7, 2012


Before I launch into my topic for today, I want to get something off my chest.

I created this blog because half of my friends are in AP Language, which is the AP English class for juniors at my high school, and in AP Lang they had to create a blog. From what I understand, this blog is to track/discuss the career(s) they're interested in.

Now, I've never really been good at choosing things--most of my life, many of my choices have been chosen for me. So last year, when we had programming and were supposed to choose our classes, I was stuck between AP Lang and English 3 Honors. I wanted to take AP Lang because most of my friends were planning to take it and because it looked like loads of fun. However, I went to talk with the English 3 Honors teacher and he made English 3 Honors sound like more fun than AP Lang! So I had to choose: friends or fun?

Fortunately, enough of my friends decided not to take AP Lang, so either decision equaled fun. However, I chose English 3 Honors, and therefore did not have to create a blog.

But I felt like it anyway, so here I am. :)

Anywayyyyy, my friends in AP Lang have to discuss topics of interest regarding careers, so so am I.

Sometime in middle school I joined a website called, where artists upload art that they have drawn/illustrated (either digitally or traditionally). I became addicted, in a way, and uploaded my own art--however, my art skill was... lacking. Of course, I was only a sixth grader, but gradually I improved and now my style is at least satisfying.

However, one thing I decided to do with my life, after school, was art. I decided I wanted to create a career based around art. I wanted to become an animator or graphics artist, and work for PIXAR.

All throughout middle school and into high school, I wanted to become an animator. I set my sights on the horizon, and saw PIXAR standing at the finish line. I dreamed big. But I barely did anything to get there. Middle school I spent trying to get straight A's and joining Advanced Band and learning Spanish. Freshman year I continued my Spanish education, dropped Band, and focused on passing the classes assigned to me. Sophomore year I took another year of Spanish, but failed to look for classes that might help me get to PIXAR. And now Junior year isn't any different (except I dropped Spanish and picked up Band again).

It wasn't until last year that I began to doubt my ambition. Do I really want to become an animator? I'm unsure. I've started looking at other professions: acting (which I've always wanted to do--as a Kindergartener, my dream job was being a singing, ballerina actress. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a dancer), singing (that singing part of the ballerina actress dream), directing. And I've decided, for sure, whatever job I happen to do in the future, it has to be connected to movies. I figure since I love movies and tv shows, why not aim to do what I love?

I've decided I want to join a school play--get some acting down my belt, if that's what I really want to do--or a musical--acting and singing combined into one; two birds with one stone. I'm not going to take any classes next year that do not interest me 4,000%. I'm going to focus on me and what I want to do instead of worrying about college or what my parents think of me.

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